Helm Charts

Kubernetes is one of the best platforms available for managing container orchestration in a clustered environment. Developed by Google, it is an open source and flexible tool such that it enables the setting up a container virtually anywhere. It allows you to set up and maintaining the most complex group of containers across multiple clusters. […]

Jenkins X – Iteration or improvement?

Iteration or improvement? Kubernetes has become the standard bearer when it comes to managing containers, distributed applications and virtual infrastructures. Kubernetes has gained acceptance across cloud services providers as well, but Kubernetes is complex and complicated, to say the least, and all Kubernetes does is manage containers. This is the first part of the process, […]

Kubernetes In Detail – Part 1

Introductions Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers, spearheaded by Google in development . Kubernetes is a production-ready orchestration solution. It allows DevOps engineers to manage and control containerized applications in almost any environment. When compared with the competition out there, Kubernetes overhauls many DevOps associated tasks such as configuration, versioning, deployment, […]

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