Kubernetes vs. Docker: A Myth Busted

Nowadays, everyone is hearing and asking themselves what they should choose between Kubernetes vs Docker. Has this question ever occurred to you? It is a misconception that is deeply rooted owing to a lack of adequate knowledge or misleading information. In reality, Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are entirely different technologies that are used by many […]

Steps To Improve Your Container and Kubernetes Security

Kubernetes adoption has witnessed a staggering increase with it being considered as the de facto container orchestrator. As the Kubernetes market continues to grow, it can affect different security functions like authorization and authentication. Below are some security considerations to ensure your Kubernetes clusters are secure throughout their entire life cycle. #1 Use the  latest […]

Better Security With Kubernetes Part 2

Kubernetes Modules A cluster can be used for different environments and different purposes: it can have services for several production products and even for a variety of purposes: testing, staging, production, and so on. It is important to separate these into different namespaces, so you can control access to the resources the service has access […]

Better Security With Kubernetes Part 1

Kubernetes and Security – An Overview Kubernetes (K8S) is an open-source container orchestration tool that can automatically scale, distribute, and handle faults on containers. Originally created by Google and donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Kubernetes is widely used in production environments to handle Docker containers (although it supports other containers tools such as […]

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