Cloud Giants Part-II

Part -I of this blog briefly explained the two giants in the cloud platform, their introduction and their different features. We also initiated a small comparison on both cloud platforms to see which one was better. Only two factors were compared in the 1st blog. The rest factors are compared here. So let’s dig without […]

Cloud Giants Part-I

Cloud computing has grown to the point where we cannot imagine a world without the application of cloud. Initially, the conception of cloud was the storage of data, but today, the cloud platform is used for a variety of purposes, more than we can imagine With the many advantages of cloud computing, various cloud service […]

Azure vs GCP vs AWS Part – II

The last blog explained about Amazon Web Services was and how it changed the direction of the cloud technologies. It was the leading platform in cloud computing until it was rivalled by Microsoft with its cloud platform introduction in 2011. Azure Azure is the cloud service platform developed by Microsoft. Even though it was launched […]

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