How cloud consulting services interpret cloud management services?

Cloud management is all about managing different kinds of cloud infrastructure; namely private, public or hybrid. Cloud management is an essential part of cloud consulting services. Many companies are realizing the importance of cloud computing in their daily operations and business processes. Many will soon adopt the cloud. So, a better understanding of cloud management helps […]

Top tips to build a failproof DevSecOps culture?

Like DevOps, DevSecOps is also getting momentum as many companies give utmost importance to security in their software development. In DevOps, developers and operational team members work together towards software development. But, often the security is overlooked. That’s where DevSecOps come into play. Any cloud or even hybrid cloud environment adopt to DevSecOps culture considering […]

Top 3 Cloud Service Models

Cloud consulting services are part of many IT enterprises as well as other organizations. As more and more companies are realizing the potential of going cloud for better utilization of resources as well as lower dependence on hardware. Companies and the end-users get complete access to a variety of services such as software, information and […]

How can you use Google’s new tool for Kubernetes delivery?

Many companies want more agility, effective deployment and timely software delivery for meeting their customer’s ever-increasing requirements. It is not a piece of cake. But,  embracing microservice environment deployment is much hassle-free. The widespread acceptance of microservices and containerization platforms led to the rise of Kubernetes consulting.  Kubernetes was invented by Google and now is […]

All about CAMS approach to DevOps

Nowadays, the relevance of DevOps-centric practices accelerated like never before due to its winning advantages such as technical and operational. DevOps is regarded as a philosophy or mindset with a lot of combined practices. Thus, there is no single path to DevOps implementation. The taken DevOps approach must be able to bring favorable outcomes for […]

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