What is DevOps?

DevOps is a collective process that automates all process’ between software development (Dev) and Information Technology operations (Ops) teams to build, test, and release software more swiftly. The concept of DevOps breaks the wall between the development team and the operations team, creating marvels in various industries. Quality and speed of development are the significant […]

Alibaba Cloud

When it comes to selecting a cloud computing platform for an organisation, the wise choice must be made. The leading cloud service providers are AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. The irony of these companies is that all of them are American multinational organisations. Another popular cloud computing platform is Alibaba Cloud. Alibaba Cloud, […]

Should you adopt Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an awesome technology, and I personally have seen great gains in my ability to scale, deploy, and manage my own SaaS because of it. But, not everyone would immediately benefit from adopting it for a number of reasons: Lack of familiarity with container technology Application architecture not being conducive to utilizing the benefits […]

Reasons to hire a DevOps Engineer

DevOps engineers have changed how companies approach the software development cycle, understandably the existing process have been delivering solutions which is good enough for yesterday, but not for today. Today’s expectation of the clients and the end user has dramatically changed since the accessibility that the smartphone has provided when it comes access to information […]

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