How Cloud computing is transforming CCM

What is CCM? Customer Communications Management (CCM) software is a front-office experience technology that allows enterprises to provide communications to their customers at scale. Usually, these software’s will be connected to the back-office (business processes, core banking systems, insurance systems, and even customer relationship management systems) to provide the experience throughout the customer journey. There […]

Infrastructure As Code – IAC

As many organizations have started adopting DevOps methodology, it has significantly improved productivity and efficiency. Usually, one term that is often found being used with DevOps is infrastructure as code. Sometimes, IAC seems to be regarded as synonymous with DevOps. The purpose of DevOps in this process is to create an infrastructure automation environment So, […]

CNAB- The New Standard

The dominance of cloud computing is always increasing. The popularity and multiple advantages it provides in terms of storage, monitoring, faster access, scalability and much more, has literally boosted cloud computing as the prefered tool. When newer technologies were introduced, the cloud computing adapted to perform better, one such feature was the ability of running […]

Azure vs GCP vs AWS Part – I

Cloud computing, the most widely used and popular technology all over the world. Cloud services range from storing and processing of data, monitoring for alerts, building and deploying applications as functions and much more. The reason behind the success of the cloud is many advantages which are faster access to data and cost-effectiveness. When it […]

History Of DevOps Part 1

The reality The success of DevOps across a variety of industries has shown us that DevOps is more of a work culture than it is a workflow. DevOps have contributed to the success and competency of many companies development lifecycle and process. DevOps brought forth quick deployments, rapid integration cycles and a steady stream of […]

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