How to build a career in DevOps switching from IT operations

How to build a career in DevOps switching from IT operations?

With new technologies like cloud computing and virtual machines, IT is evolving at a rapid pace. Many glamorous and white-collar jobs are offered to students and ardent tech nerds in the field of information technology. From coding to IT infrastructure, there are immense possibilities. As new technologies and concepts emerge in IT, the importance of DevOps becomes more evident. 

DevOps is widely used to operate IT operations in a variety of ways. So, switching your career from the position of IT manager to a DevOps engineer is the best move and investment you can make now. Or strong knowledge of what is DevOps, how it transforms the IT department and its benefits are good for you. 

Are there any differences or similarities between these two?

IT operations and DevOps are entirely different in nature and work mechanisms. Though they are different, both are closely related and dependent on each other. The difference lies in one’s job responsibilities. Both IT operations and DevOps help with the following task:

  • Monitor and manage software development
  • Deploy and build software
  • Monitor feedback loop
  • Manage IT infrastructure for smooth functioning

Delivering software in a fast and efficient manner is essential for IT companies. A DevOps engineer assists IT operations in many ways by implementing proper approaches and practices. To the best of our knowledge, there is no uniform definition of the roles and responsibilities. Being a DevOps practitioner, you are more focused on the side of software development. The job responsibilities vary as per the company or the nature of work. For example, you may have to assist in coding as well as deploy software in an agile environment.

Why switch your career path?

DevOps consulting companies are emerging like a bee’s buzz as many IT companies embrace DevOps into their IT operations. The scope and dynamics of DevOps are infinite in today’s modern world. It is regarded as the base of software development, coordination and better collaboration are the perks. 

Apart from the scope of DevOps, a career in DevOps provides financial freedom and lucrative career opportunities to look forward to. Businesses regard you as the game-changer in software development. Your engineering strategies can reduce software changes rollout times through many tactics. You handle product evolution, coordination, communication, operation, deployment,  continuous architecture, continuous integration and more. 

How to do it?

Being a working professional in IT operations, you are familiar with information technology. Putting a little effort in DevOps direction can take time and doing so will help you secure your dream job. You can either take relevant courses on DevOps or learn by yourself starting from the basics. In every IT company, project-oriented software development is paving the way to the software engineering discipline. 

You need to be adept in the following key areas to secure a DevOps job:

  • Coding 
  • Continuous integration and continuous deployment
  • Everything as code
  • Certificate in DevOps

In a nutshell

The plain reason to be a heavy hitter in DevOps is the job prospect it offers. Besides, it is not arduous to transform your career from IT operations to DevOps as the latter is also part of the IT operations. All you need to do is take a little effort so that DevOps outsourcing will turn out to be the best for you. 


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