Cloud complexity and data security

What is Cloud complexity?

As enterprises move to private clouds, hybrid clouds, and now multi-cloud, the number of platforms, databases, devices, networks, and endpoints continues to increase at pace. All of this adds up to a tipping point where the growth of cloud computing increases enterprise IT complexity to a point where some enterprises experience zero or negative value from the cloud.

Many organizations have a false sense of security when it comes to protecting data and adopting security practices. A report revealed that slightly more than half (52 percent) of the European companies were hacked or failed a compliance audit in 2019. 

It is a known fact that the complexity of their business environments makes their data much less secure. It’s no secret that multi-cloud adoption is the main reason for cloud complexity, with 80 percent of businesses using more than one IaaS cloud provider.

Cloud complexity has been identified as the main reason that arises with multi-cloud deployments. Most enterprises are aware of operational problems that arise when dealing with two or more IaaS cloud providers at the same time, but most have not yet linked complexity with security issues.

Possible Solutions:

There is always a solution to a known problem. These are a few suggestions:

  • Set up proper security management layers. One or more security systems can work across cloud providers. Although these layers will not be a silver bullet to the issues, they do remove those who operate security systems (secops) from the need to deal with the native cloud security of multiple providers. This reduces complexity and the security threats and possible security holes that could have happened and not discovered yet due to a complicated cloud deployment.
  • The vendors need to consider the trade-off before going to complex cloud deployments. Although enterprises pick the best-of-breed technology for their application and data deployments, these enterprises usually manage five or more cloud providers. This creates another set of complexity and has many negative impacts when it comes to security. Multicloud deployments are usually fine, but its better to take the expert consultation of a Managed Service Provider to compare and consider the operational costs and risks of using more than two public clouds.
  • Architectural planning phase is the key to a deployment where proper security needs to be planned. The days of security being the last step in a deployment are long gone. Security planning should be systemic to everything you do. As far as organizations implement multi-clouds, the cloud complexity will persist. But when this complexity becomes the root cause of data breaches, it would grab the attention and MSPs can do a better job.

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