DevOps in 2019 Part II

DevOps in 2019 Part-II

The previous blog detailed the upcoming trends of DevOps in 2019. Well, as DevOps is a popular software methodology that offers several advantages, there are more trends that determine the future of DevOps in the field of science and technology.

Microservices Architecture Adoption

The concept of Microservice architecture emerged from a common set of DevOps ideologies Microservices are independent entities such that in the event of any failure of a particular entity, only that entity is affected and does not compromise the entire system. Microservices architecture enables companies to make deployments and add new features much easier. In order to increase runtime and efficient delivery, the companies need to shift to microservice architecture.

The Kubernetes evolution

Google’s solution to automate the deployment, scaling and management of applications in containers resulted in the conception of Kubernetes. Due to its open source platform, it has been adopted by many organisations for their business. Kuberenetes offers its services to various public clouds namely AWS, Azure, Alibaba, Google and much more. As per a survey conducted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, it was found out that the container orchestration platform is changing and adopting Kubernetes, therefore a significant growth of Kubernetes is expected in 2019.


Security is the most wanted functionality in any technology especially since everything is online. The CI/CD pipelines make it possible to employ rapid changes daily to address customer needs and demands. These pipelines can be automated as well. Enforcing security measures requires it to be built into the software right from the beginning such that security is no more an optional function.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning are the perfect fit for a DevOps environment. They offer the ability to process vast amounts of information and help perform menial tasks, which enables the IT staff to focus more on their target work. They can learn and analyse patterns, anticipate problems and can suggest solutions. If the aim of DevOps is the unified environment of both development and operations, AI and ML can smooth out some of the tensions that exist between the two departments.

About Us

Urolime is one of the leading DevOps consulting company with considerable experience in supporting customers around the globe in adopting DevOps practices. As an AWS and Cloud consulting partner, Urolime not only has experience in Cloud Migrations but also support the vast customer base to enable scalable and highly available architecture on AWS, Azure, and GCP. The customers benefit from our expert involvement in Deployment Automation (CI/CD), Infrastructure Automation, Dockerization, Security, Disaster Recovery Planning & Implementation and 24/7 Managed Services with 10 Minutes SLA. Urolime is one of the companies which deals with a bunch of Kubernetes solution build for the customer on AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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