Cloudops- Tool Selection

Cloud operations also called cloudops, is becoming a challenge to modern enterprises as they find it difficult to operate and manage the multicloud deployments.

The pragmatic approach to solving these challenges is to leverage tools to automate predetermined procedures and runbooks. The right approach is to use the right cloudops tools rather than doing nothing and hoping for the best.

Enterprises need to find a right balance between this. To put cloudops solutions and tools to their best possible uses, they need to define the why and what before you determine how. Right selection of tools is very important;, the tools should meet specific requirements, such as performance, security, cost management, governance, automation, and self-healing.

If we analyse, the operational aspects of cloud computing are the highest-priority concepts and other components of cloud computing have dependencies into cloudops. For example, security breaches can be spotted by process saturation monitoring from an AIops tool. The first indications came from cloudops tools, not from security systems.

The understanding now is the key focus needs to be on the optimal suite of cloudops tools that will best meet the optimal requirements. This optimal can be called as  “minimal viable cloudops toolset,” or MVCOT. The ideal MVCOT is a streamlined collection of tools that are optimized for the cloud and noncloud systems.

How do we define the MVCOT ?

  1. Define the current, short-term future, and long-term future state of the systems that is required for meeting the organization goals. In this process the traditional on-premises systems will be left out of the list, but this will give you a clear idea of what you need to be included in the MVCOT.
  2. Define the runbooks for each system. These will explain how each system needs to be managed to provide optimal service levels and minimize outages. This is indeed a mundane process, but it makes organizations to think and plan about business continuity and disaster recovery issues, maintenance, scaling, security processes, etc.
  3. After understanding the requirement and defining the process, we need to select the right tools to make up the MVCOT for an organization. This is an ongoing process and as the knowledge and experience of organization evolves, they will have to replace or update tools and redefine the list.

Although cloud architects and cloudops engineers are getting more informed about the use of cloudops tools, it is better for organizations to make use of the consulting of a good Managed service provider or industry expert to put in some additional thought into your purchase strategy for cloudops tools. This will definitely help the organizations to strategize and save money in the long run.


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