Managed DevOps for your Business

The key challenge of the development team of organizations is how quickly they can release product versions. Innovations on the existing products, optimizing existing products all require a robust infrastructure for their development platform. This is where Cloud managed services come into the picture.

Now managed services are more like a subscription-based IT department for developers. With continuous integration (CI) / continuous delivery (CD) management, cloud security, and cloud cost management, managed service providers (MSPs) help developers focus on developing innovative products and focus on the organization’s core business. The resources are now free from developing the product’s underlying cloud infrastructure and focus on just developing the product.

Managed Services & DevOps

MSPs’ DevOps engineers empower developers to work on the nuances of their applications. In the most basic terms, MSPs make sure that deployment efforts in an organization are actualized. MSPs make sure that your applications are always on and that the robust new features your developers push don’t overwhelm your system, cause unforeseen performance issues or even downtime of your product. 

The key strengths of any MSP service are DevOps, security, and cost management. The DevOps focus on three main sections-  Infrastructure as Code, backup, and CI/CD

Infrastructure as Code is a relatively new concept and is one of the key services that manage the cloud infrastructure. To support this best practice, a good Managed Service Provider often uses a range of open-source products to manage roll-backs and optimize your cloud infrastructure. 

With cloud backup solutions, MSPs ensure that your data will always be safe, replicated and its integrity intact. The MSP team will work with the vendor team to implement best practices and decide the right duration to keep backups and designs restores. These best practices make sure high availability and continuity at all levels, allowing the client to determine how far they want to roll back, in a case of data loss or corruption. 

CI/CD restructures deployment efforts without interrupting the internal development team of the vendor. With managed CI/CD a good MSP set a guided best practice so that your team can focus on rapidly developing new features of the application. In the meanwhile, the MSP will handle the orchestration often using leading open-source technology like BitBucket, Terraform, and Jenkins for building, deploying, and automating development projects.

The MSP experts will make sure that all code will be pushed to GitFlow and make sure the best practices are followed. This model enables greater collaboration and parallel development within your organization. 

How to Select the Right MSP

When hiring an MSP to make sure MSP has official partner validation from AWS and has a global DevOps collaborative team to support the clients around the clock.

Urolime has over 80-plus DevOps engineers and has the expertise that are available to monitor your infrastructure 24/7. We have a global clientele and provide service to customers across the globe. This gives Urolime the diversity and organizational knowledge to design customized infrastructures that suit your business needs. 

Ready to hire an MSP? Contact us today. 

Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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