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6 Awesome DevSecOps tools to Integrate Throughout the DevOps Pipeline

“With DevOps, you have to move super fast. There can be no ‘manual’ in that process. If you don’t have automation, you’ll never be successful.”

—Chris Romeo

 Automation has become a pivotal DevSecOps quality in companies with profoundly mature DevOps practices. Adopting the right DevSecOps tools for automation is a great way to streamline your IT  operations. While choosing a tool, one should analyze the organization’s processes, networks, systems, and team capabilities to identify the tool that is the right fit.

We have researched, tested and studied about efficient DevSecOps tools and here are some of them which caught our eyes.  These tools can be integrated into the DevOps pipeline to ensure that security is examined continuously throughout the software development lifecycle.

#1 Continuum Security

They offer an Application Security Requirements and Threat Management Solution with their threat modeling platform IriusRisk. This platform helps developers and security analysts deal with the threats and vulnerabilities at the app design stage itself. With the integration of this tool, security risks can be identified at the early stage itself. Its easier to fix the risks when its identified during this stage. It makes the development process economical and efficient. Continuum also offers a BDD-Security framework, an open-source dynamic testing tool for enterprises to blend security testing into their development pipelines. 

#2 ThreatModeler:

ThreatModeler is an automated threat modeling platform that analyzes and identify potential threats based on accurate threat intelligence.  ThreatModeler provides the actionable outputs to the users’ need for software development or network security, ranked by risk. ThreatModeler also provides mitigating security specifications and test cases to ensure secure implementation.


This platform offers a cloud security solution for the deployment stage. The Evident Security Platform (ESP) repeatedly monitors users’ AWS cloud, automatically distinguishes security errors and misconfigurations, and facilitates prompt mitigation of risk through supervised remediation. Evident Monitoring & Compliance empowers companies to evaluate and manage cloud security risks across all AWS and Azure services and provides a user-friendly, aggregated glimpse into all accounts. 

#4 Contrast Security

Contrast security offers a Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) and an Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) solution. These solutions can be integrated into users’ apps and they will work simultaneously in the background. Contrast Security Suite works as two different parts named Contrast Assess and Contrast Protect.  Contrast Assess provides alerts to the developer when threats are recognized whereas Contrast Protect, utilizes the corresponding embedded agent, and operates in the production environment, scanning for exploits and unknown threats. The second part of the suite, Contract Assess then reports what it finds to the SIEM console. The console can be a  next-generation firewall or any other security tools that are already integrated. 


IMMUNIO offers a patented cloud-based Runtime Application Self-protection (RASP) solution. It guarantees to guard online applications and website visitors from all kinds of application-layer attacks. Their platform is with popular frameworks like Scala, PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.JS, and Java. This also includes real-time analytics including details about the attacks, the attacker and the vulnerability they tried to crack. It also protects the product from session farming, credential stuffing, and scanning tool detection.

#6 Checkmarx

This Static Application Security Testing Tool analyzes the code and detects flaws that are indicating security vulnerabilities. Most convincing fact about this is that it allows developers to automatically scan the uncompiled/unbuilt code and recognize security vulnerabilities in over 20 languages, implementing immediate feedback on code security state, and actionable reformative advice. Checkmarx can be integrated with all IDEs, bug tracking tools, build management servers, and source repositories.

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