Managed Services – Evolution to just Revolution?

The financial markets have been facing unparalleled levels of volatility, caused by the COVID-19 crisis and many businesses are temporarily shut down with only key workers deployed to work from home. Organizations have been making investments and contingency plans to make sure there is enough capacity to direct volatility, handle extreme volumes, and manage orderly markets at an Infrastructure and systems level. With many companies shifting to a managed services model, the managed services companies have more responsibility than the subscribers. Moreover, the subsequent capability to facilitate further capacity or more infrastructure is rapid, modest, and even transparent to the end consumer.

The managed services model would have facilitated a ‘24/7’ shift to remote working to be more unified for customers, with services already ensured and delivered ‘as-a-service’. The apparent benefit being that the customers focus on operating the areas of growth. The sudden change in operating models would have a long-term effect on business operations in the future; where it was a long-term plan, vision or ambitions is now a concrete short-to-medium-term project being executed as the ‘new normal’. An area where this specifically seems to have augmented discussions is around cloud adoption

At Urolime, we’ve been capitalizing in public cloud services for quite some time. The term Cloud can be all enclosing and it’s essential to identify it is not a one size fits all model; our strategy comprises 3 key pillars:

Cloud Adoption

We leverage public cloud platforms to minimize the cost of infrastructure at the same time as improving our scalability. The build environments, DevOps, Continuous Integration (CI) & Quality Assurance (QA) environments develop and release procedures all run within the public cloud with the capability to facilitate a virtual machine on-demand and manpower only operating when needed. Urolime also host many of our own applications, say our customer support portals, in these environments.

Delivery to cloud platforms

We make our services offered to client platforms held with the main public cloud providers. We already do this since long time for several clients who use our services in their cloud platforms.

Native cloud applications

We install cloud-native versions of our technology stack operating as a set of on-demand, containerized micro-services. As one of the best technology companies with an API-first strategy, this is an organic evolution for us. The maturity of customer deployments in public cloud platforms will probably follow a similar way. The short-term lift and migration of environments to public cloud environments should be added with a longer-term adoption of native cloud services to identify the complete potential of this standard shift.

The present days and months keep on emphasizing the competencies that customers can accomplish in operations and responsiveness via a well-implemented development and acquisition strategy that uses managed market data and execution environments and services to boost their custom-made trading applications. Customers can decrease their operational expenses and time to market, at the same time assuring their internal teams to keep focussed on maintaining their core differentiators.

In conclusion, it is evident that the increased adoption of managed services over the past few years has played an important role in steering its capacity to give dynamic responses to the exclusive infrastructure encounters in recent months.  Moving forward the part played by cloud services in additional support of this would become more relevant more swiftly than some had earlier forecast.

Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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