CAMS Approach to DevOps

DevOps was one of the critically acclaimed software methodologies since it was introduced the term was coined in 2009 at a conference by Patrick Debois and Andrew “Clay” Shafer. The multiple advantages provided was one of the sole reason for its adoption by almost every organisations that involved these two teams i.e Development and Operations. […]

History Of DevOps Part 2

This methodology is simple and straightforward, increase the value to the customer and reduce waste along the process. This workflow comes from the manufacturing sector and works pretty well in the IT sector for most parts. As understood until now, the workflow is not for everyone, because it is too simple for the IT industry, […]

History Of DevOps Part 1

The reality The success of DevOps across a variety of industries has shown us that DevOps is more of a work culture than it is a workflow. DevOps have contributed to the success and competency of many companies development lifecycle and process. DevOps brought forth quick deployments, rapid integration cycles and a steady stream of […]

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