DevOps in the age of work from home

DevOps In The Age Of Work From Home

The work from home is a new reality, whether people are like it or not, or the industries like it or not, or even bosses like it or not. Even though the restriction is easing up across the world, companies are coming up with ways to allow teams and people to work from home itself. Before the emergence of the COVID19 pandemic, companies had a structure of working from home and office at some level, now it has gone mainstream and gaining acceptance at many different industries as well. It’s not only hipster startups who are embracing the new normal but its everyone and not all workflows within some companies support the work from home structure. So the question for us here is “does the DevOps workflow support the work from the home structure, to begin with ?”     

The answer is complex as DevOps is a workflow based on increased teamwork rather than relying upon one-man-army type technical specialized talents. DevOps also relies on tools to increase the collaboration and these tools can be used in work from home the environment as well. So all teams have to do is evolve into the new normal rather than to fight it. Below are some of the parts of DevOps which can be changed to adopt the new normal.

Communication and Collaboration

What made DevOps one of the best workflows around was its importance on collaboration rather than on end results, the philosophy was to keep the workflow continuous as DevOps workflow supported continuous testing, continuous deployment, and continuous development. Using tools like slack and Microsoft teams for communication and tools like Jira can be used collaborating. Using these tools, DevOps team members stay updated about their work and the status of their works in real-time.     

Compute and count

Track, assign, and document tasks using tools like Slack, Trello, and Jira, tools like this helps team members to know the status of each project. Team members can tackle each task individually and make sure that their progress is parallel to the bigger picture as well.  

Configuration Management

With configuration management, team members can track and monitor the changes in the code in the repository, this helps developers to make an informed decision about upgrades and features of the program. Using tools like Chef, Puppet Labs and Ansible can help team members to know the changes in codes and the direction of the program as well.

DevOps: The Transition

When it comes to embracing DevOps it is complex when compared with your usual workflows, here there is an importance on tools unlike others, a focus on collaboration unlike others, and a combination individual specialization with an enhanced emphasis on teamwork. We at Urolime has a history of helping companies to overcome the hurdles of implementing DevOps at their company. From our expertise in cloud computing to DevOps tools, send a message to see how DevOps can help your business to achieve new goals.   


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