Actively Exploited Log4j May Be The Worst Software Vulnerability

Last week, Information Security Media announced that it discovered the critical vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 in the Apache Log4j library (CVSS severity 10/10). This threat, also known as Log4Shell or LogJam, is a vulnerability of the Remote Code Execution (RCE) class. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability on a vulnerable server could execute arbitrary code and […]

How cloud consulting services interpret cloud management services?

Cloud management is all about managing different kinds of cloud infrastructure; namely private, public or hybrid. Cloud management is an essential part of cloud consulting services. Many companies are realizing the importance of cloud computing in their daily operations and business processes. Many will soon adopt the cloud. So, a better understanding of cloud management helps […]

Top tips to build a failproof DevSecOps culture?

Like DevOps, DevSecOps is also getting momentum as many companies give utmost importance to security in their software development. In DevOps, developers and operational team members work together towards software development. But, often the security is overlooked. That’s where DevSecOps come into play. Any cloud or even hybrid cloud environment adopt to DevSecOps culture considering […]

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