Reasons To Choose Google Cloud Platform – Part 2

  Containers   Nothing helps developers to speed up their deployment and scaling apps like container applications. They are also quite useful in PAAS scenarios as well. For DevOps, Google Cloud Platform comes with their own container orchestration tool called Kubernetes. For DevOps engineers Google Cloud Platform is more like a Container-as-a-Service solution, providing the […]

Kubernetes In Detail – Part 1

Introductions Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers, spearheaded by Google in development . Kubernetes is a production-ready orchestration solution. It allows DevOps engineers to manage and control containerized applications in almost any environment. When compared with the competition out there, Kubernetes overhauls many DevOps associated tasks such as configuration, versioning, deployment, […]

Better Security With Kubernetes Part 2

Kubernetes Modules A cluster can be used for different environments and different purposes: it can have services for several production products and even for a variety of purposes: testing, staging, production, and so on. It is important to separate these into different namespaces, so you can control access to the resources the service has access […]

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