Risk Management With DevOps

Disaster Management Whatever the industry the word “risk management” means many different things, but the word is taken seriously. But in the IT industry this means information security and information recovery, and in IT industry this is literally everything, a risky application can translate as a negative responsibility, reduced employee morale, reduced sales and nothing […]

IoT made easy with DevOps – Part 1

In the Middle of Difficulties, As more and more devices are connected to the internet, the data generated from these devices need to be collected and analyzed. While the statement is easy to make, there is the paramount complexity and challenges associated with it. Given how data is being constantly generated, the application itself is […]

Testing in the DevOps Process

While everyone will agree that DevOps is good, it’s better than what we have done before, it’s the best workflow we have for now, and we also love everything associated with it. Whether be it developers who don’t need to write and rewrite codes again and again or operation team who impress the clients with […]

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