Increased DevOps Adoption During COVID-19

A recent survey by CollabNet, reveals 43% of organizations have increased their reliance on Agile and DevOps application development methodologies in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 15% saying it has increased significantly in the last 90 days 33% of participants agreed they have increased or expanded DevOps adoption in the last 90 days […]

The Use of CI/CD through DevOps in Mobile App Development

Technology is constantly evolving with the incorporation of simplicity, & usability which makes any applications attractive to a layman as well as professional. The latest technology in creating mobile apps starts with inculcating cultural philosophies, tools, and practices which gives a fresh approach to the whole dynamics of mobile app development. DevOps combine software development […]

Scaling DevOps In Your Organization; Altering Organizational Culture

DevOps practices help in achieving the business goal of all sorts of businesses. Although the size of the organization plays a greater role in the procedures, the principles it provides applies to all organizations. DevOps businesses progress much swiftly than many other businesses today without losing efficiency, effectiveness or security. The larger the organizational structure, […]

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