Why You Need Managed Security Service For Your Business? Part 1

When the year 2020 began companies were looking towards implementing groundbreaking technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning into their existing services and products. The bitcoin scam of 2020 which affected Twitter bought out the cybersecurity concerns from companies of all sizes after all Twitter was valued at 225$ billion dollars as of Nov 2019. It’s not only these cybersecurity events that highlight the needs for cybersecurity, in a good way it’s important to know about all the clear and present dangers of cyber threats. In any company innovation and competitiveness takes precedence over security compliance unless there has been a previous cyber security-related incident, so with our managed security service, companies get back to their brainstorming sessions to come up with their next disruptive idea. Below are some of the ways how we can help companies to be more secure from cybersecurity threats.

Lowered Cost

With a managed security service provider like us companies can save a lot of money, for example, we have security experts who have a lot of experience dealing with security now most companies cannot afford a full-time security expert due to financial constraints. Companies can save money on cybersecurity investments such as software and tools to track and monitor potential threats. companies can save money and time on training cybersecurity experts from scratch. Having a good security infrastructure is an expensive investment involving IT people highly specific skillset, expensive tools, and software, hiring training staff to train new people, and many more costs. With an experienced managed security service team like our companies can get back to business instead of worrying about cybersecurity.    

Business First

A company can have only a limited number of employees, those employees are expected to produce results which bring in revenue to the company. From developers to business developers and salespeople, they all share a common goal, but this goal does not extend to cybersecurity professionals, let’s see why. The cybersecurity realm is an ever-changing environment where professionals are engaged with the newest cybersecurity, they are more concerned with implementing the latest security updates to products and services of the company. So this could create an imbalance in the company on how to approach new projects. So get a managed security services like us to keep organization into a single purposed well-oiled machine.

Better Risk Management And Compliance

Many of us who are in the IT industries might have heard of PCI DSS, GLBA, SOX, HIPAA, FISMA, ISO and others. If you have no idea, that’s okay because these are abbreviations related to cybersecurity compliances for various products and services. With our managed security services, you can be assured that all your digital assets are up to date on companies. The security standards and compliances are ever-changing, countries and industry demand different certifications for everything and our cybersecurity are up to date on them.  While security compliances and getting certification maybe a small part of your development cycle, for us, it is the cycle that matters, better risk management, and better security compliances.  

Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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