Should You Choose A Cloud Managed Services Provider For Your Company? – 1

In the age of information, businesses are all about creating, managing, transforming, transferring, and developing information. While companies are busy with innovating and developing new ideas for the next big thing, a well known managed service provider like us can be the difference between your company being busy with innovation and a company buried under […]

The right Multicloud approach ?

Multicloud is the use of cloud computing and storage services from two or more cloud providers in a single network architecture. It can be a combination of platforms across a private data center, private cloud, co-location and public cloud. This approach rely on several cloud services, from Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Multicloud is less […]

Cloudops- Tool Selection

Cloud operations also called cloudops, is becoming a challenge to modern enterprises as they find it difficult to operate and manage the multicloud deployments. The pragmatic approach to solving these challenges is to leverage tools to automate predetermined procedures and runbooks. The right approach is to use the right cloudops tools rather than doing nothing […]

Cloud Maturity – Why Businesses are running towards it?

During the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, the objective of organizations everywhere was just continuing the workforce operations. The need for social distancing enforced medical, retail, educational, banking, and other crucial sectors to go digital and extend their services to interact with customers. Entertainment players like Netflix garnered huge numbers. In all these cases, […]

How Cloud computing is transforming CCM

What is CCM? Customer Communications Management (CCM) software is a front-office experience technology that allows enterprises to provide communications to their customers at scale. Usually, these software’s will be connected to the back-office (business processes, core banking systems, insurance systems, and even customer relationship management systems) to provide the experience throughout the customer journey. There […]

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