How to keep your cloud infrastructure secure?

With the popularity of remote working models, organizations are giving more priority to ensure the security and flexibility of the cloud infrastructure. Here are four key considerations on how to keep your cloud infrastructure secure:


 One of the most predominant features of Cloud services is its scalability —   which allows a process, network, software, or application to grow and manage the increasing demand and create universally available architectures. This can also help manage denial-of-service (DOS) attacks by any external parties. By configuring your workloads to scale based on the demand, workloads can simply scale to continue meeting user and business demand while mitigating the risk of unexpected DOS attacks.

 Now, many public cloud providers offer a plethora of tools to identify the known bad actors and manage those attacks at the provider level itself, rather than impacting customer workloads. A top Managed Service Provider from India can easily implement these strategies and thereby making the cloud infrastructure more robust and secure to attacks and less likely to suffer performance issues and failures.

Shared responsibility model

 A top Managed Service Provider in India can support and update behind the scenes. Before hiring a Managed Service Provider to make sure they very clearly understand the user side responsibilities. As an example, many serverless function-as-a-service tools (like AWS Lambda and GCP Cloud Functions) do not require operating-system-level patching, but any libraries used by the code will require it to keep it up to date. By identifying the user responsibilities clearly, it would help your managed service provider to ensure those responsibilities are met, users can ensure their workloads stay up to date and compliant, minimizing risks.

Unified management

 Amazon Web Services & Microsoft Azure offer a plethora of tools to reduce risk and provide visibility into your hosting environment. Consult with a top Managed Service provider from India and invest time in configuring these services early so that it can save time and reduce risk in the long run. The list can include standardizing networking and firewall standards, customizing access control policies and securing audit logs away from user access, etc. Once these controls are set in place, incidents can be prevented, mitigated, and identified quickly thereby making it a proactive process and reducing the risk of jeopardized systems.

Data leakage

 Any cloud environment has a greater threat to the potential for data leakage via an insider threat or human error than an on-premises or a data center. One of the cloud’s benefits is quick and easy access provisioning which can be used as an advantage to avoid data leakage if appropriate guard rails and user training are provided in place. Work together with a top Managed Service provider in India and work on the principle of least privilege by making sure that individuals just have the right and only required access that they need to do their tasks and not access to everything. This can dramatically reduce the risk of unauthorized access to the sensitive data of the organization.

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