2017 12 15

Favourite tools of our DevOps Consultants

Our DevOps experts are a combination of relying on their experience, expertise and the use of various DevOps tools. DevOps experts mostly use tools which reduces the time on integration, deployment, and the debugging process. The expertise of DevOps engineer is directly dependent on their hands on knowledge with DevOps tools. Below some of the favourite tools of DevOps experts at Urolime.


An open-source virtual server coded in Java designed especially for continuous integration and continuous iterations. Jenkins is a very useful tool according to our DevOps experts, as it is easy to build and test software progressively with monitoring the externally-run executions. It has the feature to increase the scale of automation and it is quickly gaining a foothold in the DevOps circles. Our DevOps experts say that Jenkins requires little maintenance and has built-in GUI tool for easy updates this means the DevOps experts don’t have to do regular maintenance checks. This is the go-to tool for our DevOps experts for all things Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.


Another open source tool is known for their powerful automation software configuration, management and the deployment of software applications on to remote nodes. According to our DevOps experts, the tool is popular because it is easier to perform the above-mentioned operations, no downtime or custom configuration is required on either the control machine (where Ansible is present) or on the machines that are provisioned to carry out the specific operations. Moreover, there are no requirements for the agents to be running on the remote hosts, just a passwordless SSH connection between the controller system and the remote nodes is the only thing needed for Ansible. Ansible is premier tool for our DevOps experts when it comes to configuration management within the DevOps process.


A container tool which is an open-source project based on Linux containers. It heavily uses Linux Kernel features such as namespaces and control groups to create containers on top of an operating system. Dockers have become one of the well-known tools associated with DevOps, this is due to the fact that dockers are one of the well thought out and laid out tool for DevOps experts. Dockers follow the edict of “build once, run anywhere”, it can run on any platform according to our DevOps experts. When compared with the competition, Dockers is light years ahead of peers, they are lightweight and fast, they are even easier to configure too. Another reason for the popularity of dockers is its scalability, our DevOps experts can link multiple containers too for a better understanding of the entire process. Our DevOps favourite tool for Containerization is Dockers due to their unmatched performance and ease of use.


Popular with every developer on any platform or technology, our DevOps experts use Github for version control. Useful at any stage of the DevOps process, Github comes loaded with features for tracking any code changes, checking code quality, checking code integrity etc. GitHub also comes with tools which makes it the perfect enterprise collaboration software for developers of any nature.

About Us

Urolime is a DevOps solutions and IT consulting company, our services enable Managed Service Provider(MSP), IT Support, Data Center, Cloud Solution Provider and other IT Solution Providers, assisting them in deploying and managing their Servers, Networks and Business Applications with full security. Our well-qualified and dedicated staffs will enable our clients to have a reliable offshore partner for increased efficiencies and customer satisfaction. Urolime Technologies has excellent working experience with clients from USA, Europe, Middle East and Africa serving them through our Remote Office located in Cochin, Kerala, India. Contact us for hiring DevOps engineers, who will guide you through your next project.

Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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