Benefits of Microservices Architecture and Kubernetes

Microservices Architecture Microservices architecture is an approach of building large applications with multiple small units called services. Development, deployment, and testing of each service will be done independently. Each of these small services runs in its own process and often uses the lightweight mechanism of the HTTP resource API to communicate with each other. The […]

Cut the spend on your AWS Infrastructure!

With the present COVID -19 difficult situation, I am sure that almost all businesses will be thinking of cutting down their costs, and CFO’s will be looking for all possible cost reduction options. Generally, it’s easy to think about reducing the unwanted human resource investments, come on! The present financial crisis is not suitable for thinking […]

Microservices Deployment Strategies

Microservices architecture is pretty known for its high-level software scalability. Most organizations adopt this architecture pattern but a huge percentage of them are struggling with creating a strategy that can succeed the major challenges such as decomposing it to the microservices-based application. Deployment of monolithic applications indicates that the system is running multiple identical copies […]

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