Urolime Blog 14

Production of mobile applications uses DevOps principles for fast delivery

DevOps as a service has tremendous popularity among businesses and IT companies. Adopting this agile evolution helps to meet the growing demands of the prospects in a prescribed time frame; No matter the type of solution. Mobile applications and software development are the major products of your company and the success lies in the on-time delivery of applications. With DevOps principles, you can continue to gain the confidence and loyalty of your prospects. 

DevOps as a service is the lifeblood of any successful mobile app development and deployment. It is widely used for developing and deploying mobile applications. But, why? What makes the DevOps model quite successful? It is said that DevOps is a philosophy about operating and integrating the two teams of operation and development for quick product delivery.

Integrating and testing mobile apps in an automated environment poses challenges for the operational team. Yet, it has alluring benefits. DevOps as a service make sure you are ahead of the competitive curve regarding mobile application delivery. The waterfall model and agile model take months or years to come up with mobile applications including the required changes.

 There are many reasons to prefer DevOps as a service for developing mobile applications.  

  • Reach the market instantly

DevOps as a service works on sprints. They are small actionable blocks to carry out the development of the mobile application. Reaching the targeted people become easier with a sprint process as the customer can make changes or suggestions for efficiency. Keeping pace with the market requires mobile applications to be developed quickly, in rapid deployment with a strong feedback loop. That’s what DevOps promises. 

  • Continuous and on-time delivery

The DevOps team ensures that the development and deployment are taking simultaneously receiving the feedback from the customer. Agile delivery is assured employing DevOps practices. The development team and operation team work together and employ changes. And the result is on-time delivery of the application. 

  • Efficiency and greater collaboration

The code integration and configuration become simple tasks that the developers do not have to take care of, instead, they focus on value-driven operations. Likewise, team collaboration is possible through improved operations and deployments.

To point out, it pays off to utilize DevOps principles in mobile application development. Creating applications for the myriad of major mobile platforms on the market should never daunt you anymore. With the help of a DevOps team, you can create, deploy, test, and launch diverse mobile applications. DevOps is a new developmental paradigm that not only applies to the needs of software development but mobile applications. 

About us

DevOps as a service in India is spreading like a buzzword in the tech companies. Urolime is one among them bent on providing quality mobile application development services to small-large scale companies. We analyze and can advise the best DevOps strategies to implement in your business. DevOps as a service in India is used by IT companies and in streamlining business operations. Our vast knowledge in the industry will be an added advantage in delivering mobile applications. 




Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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