The DevOps process is all about aligning the two forces namely:
Developers who create, test, deploy code and operations team who wants control, security, and reliability.
DevOps success can only be achieved by aligning the two forces into a DevOps workflow that improves efficiency, productivity, security and cost-effectiveness of a development process.
Avoid these pitfalls while reorganizing development and operations teams to improve your chances of achieving better outcomes.
Lack of automation
Automation is an integral component when it comes to DevOps success. Automating tasks like unit testing, integration testing, code deployment, delivery are important to ensure a smooth DevOps workflow. It will help the developers to quickly push their code changes without inundating the operations team to approve numerous tiny changes.
Failing to measure and monitor
Without the right metrics, your team will be in the dark. With the frequent code changes, it is essential that you test everything. It gives your team the required feedback and also helps identify the problems hampering the performance of your workflow. Besides, this will help the developer team to quickly deploy, test and validate changes without involving the operations team. With the right monitoring and automation, the operations team can take positive control when things go wrong.
Surviving the DevOps transition
As we all know DevOps not just brings technology change but also cultural. Management that supports the teams undergoing this change will emerge as a deciding factor in how well the new approach works for your organization.
Actions speak louder than words
Deciding the best way to adopt DevOps is easy but what matters is the implementation of the chosen strategy. Organizations need to realize that DevOps is not another piece of software or business strategy. It is a cultural shift underpinned by the collaboration and coordination between development and operations teams
Giving technology undue importance
Technology is a critical part of your DevOps workflow but never lose sight of your actual development tasks. It is wonderful that you can automate code testing, deployment, and delivery but it should never take your focus away from the reasons why your organization chose DevOps. The very purpose of adopting DevOps fails when no software is being developed and released and your team keeps falling further and further behind the schedule.
Adopting DevOps is no easy feat. It comes with plenty of challenges but with proper planning and leadership that fully buys and supports the DevOps notion an organization can do wonders. The agility and quality delivered by a successful DevOps can never be achieved with conventional methodologies.
An excellent strategy, effective automation, proper metrics, and committed leadership is all it takes to create a conducive environment for DevOps to flourish.