6 Steps to Optimize Your Software Quality Testing

Software quality testing is one of the fundamental aspects ensuring the success of your product. Poor or absent QA is among the major reasons tech startups fail. Optimize your software quality testing to deliver quality products to your users.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Planning your software quality testing

To start with plan your software testing around these five areas:

  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Execution
  • Maintenance
  • Personnel

Analysis: Identifying the Right Type of Testing 

Software quality testing starts with identifying appropriate testing methodologies. Automation has evolved to be the most preferred choice owing to its numerous benefits including high speed, accuracy and cost-efficiency. However, we cannot completely ignore manual testing as it is the best choice when it comes to testing factors like UI. Going by the present software development landscape, best results can be achieved with the perfect mix of manual testing and automation.

Design: Choose the Right Test Framework

Selecting the right test framework design and the tools to execute test cases is crucial for the success of your product. Make sure that the chosen framework is :

  • Portable
  • Maintainable
  • Reportable

Execution: Don’t forget to Review your Test Results

Product stability is verified by executing automated test scripts. Product features are also verified to ensure that all the tests ultimately meet end-user requirements. This is essential in planning and optimizing execution environments. It also ensures that test results are generated quickly and the changes are implemented in the code.

Maintenance: Test Environment Maintenance is crucial

Conducting proper test environment maintenance is essential for software quality testing. As the system undergoes repeated iterations, populating and reusing test cases should be easy for testers and developers alike to increase test speed and coverage.

Personnel: Selecting the Right Resource

In-House-Testing  internally comes with benefits like maintaining stringent control over the process and  easy communication between QA and development teams

Outsource- Outsourcing your QA comes with cost savings, 24-hour productivity, access to a big pool of resources from across the globe and much more.

Dedicated QA Expert-The best way to optimize software quality testing is to hire a dedicated  QA expert as he/she comes with diverse domain expertise, excellent QA knowledge and experience when compared to internal IT staff

Optimal QA processes are a boon for any organization as they not only save big on time and money but also enhance the user experience to a great extent. And all it takes is creating a well-planned software quality testing strategy for consistent results.


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