DevOps constructed Part 3 – Continuous Delivery – Demands And Expectations

Continuous delivery is the operational extension of continuous integration. This technique focuses on automating the software delivery process so that operations team can easily and assuredly deploy their updated code to production at any time. By making sure that the codebase is always in a real-time deployable standby status, releasing and adding software updates becomes […]

Reasons to hire a DevOps Engineer

DevOps engineers have changed how companies approach the software development cycle, understandably the existing process have been delivering solutions which is good enough for yesterday, but not for today. Today’s expectation of the clients and the end user has dramatically changed since the accessibility that the smartphone has provided when it comes access to information […]

Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment: Delivering Continuous Excellence

Continuous Integration Continuous integration is a groundbreaking practice within the software development cycle where and which encourages the software developers to integrate and share their codes into the main branch of a shared repository as often as often. Instead of coding and testing out new features in an isolated environment and integrating them at the […]

WannaCry Ransomware Attack

WannaCry Ransomware attack Ransomware is a new type of encryption-based malicious software attack that will locks up the system files in your computer and will encrypts in such a way that users cannot access files. The malware encrypts files using AES and RSA encryption ciphers which means hackers can decrypt files using unique decryption key. […]

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