DevOps constructed Part 2 Continuous Deployment Innovation through Process 2

DevOps constructed Part 3 – Continuous Delivery – Demands And Expectations

Continuous delivery is the operational extension of continuous integration. This technique focuses on automating the software delivery process so that operations team can easily and assuredly deploy their updated code to production at any time. By making sure that the codebase is always in a real-time deployable standby status, releasing and adding software updates becomes a low-key event without any operational hiccups. Operational Teams can be assured in the fact that they can release updates and added services whenever they need to without the traditional cross-department complex coordination or the last minute testing rituals. As with the technique of continuous integration, the technique of continuous delivery is a work practice that requires a right mix of technical wizardry and organizational managerial improvements to be effective. Our DevOps team have considerable experience in an unmatched Continuous delivery services. On the technical and software development side, the continuous software development and delivery process lean heavily on deployment processes to automate the testing, quality analysis and deployment processes.


The deployment process is an automated system so that it can run a series of highly rigorous tests against a build as opposed to the traditional method series of sequential stages. This technique picks up the baton from where continuous integration technique drops off, so a reliable continuous integration setup is a prerequisite to implementing continuous delivery. Our Devops services make sure that your product is always above and on par with the competition


Delivering excellence


At the end of each designated stage, if the build fails the tests or fails to reach the quality standards, which alerts the team, or in the case of passing the tests, which results in automatic promotion to the next stage. As the build progresses through the software development process, the later stages deploy the builds to environments that reproduce the production environment to the teeth. This way the builds, the deployment process, and the reproduced production environment can be tested in tandem.

This process pipeline ends with a build that can be deployed to the production at any given time with a single step. The organizational edge in the technique of continuous delivery is that encourages and manifests a prioritization of “deployability” of the service and product as an important aspect of the software development process. This impacts on how the way new updates and features are built and added to the rest of the codebase. Planning and preparations must be put into the design and the structure of the code so that the features can be effectively deployed to production at any time, with the utmost ease. A number of helpful and complementary techniques have emerged to assist the entire process in this habitat. Our Devops consulting services are customized for every individual client, so as to get the client gets the best devops solutions.

Delivering advantage

Continuous delivery is gaining traction due to its ability to automate the steps between code testing and quality and the deployment into the code repository and eases the decision on to whether release the quality checked codes into the existing production infrastructure. While the steps associated with the quality and debugging of the code are automated, but the final business decision of release is the hands of the organization for maximum leverage. Our dedicated Devops team make sure that your organization has the best Devops platform.

About Us

Urolime is one of the leading DevOps consulting company with considerable experience in supporting customers around the globe in adopting DevOps practices. As an AWS and Cloud consulting partner, Urolime not only has experience in Cloud Migrations but also supported its vast customer base to have scalable and highly available architecture on AWS, Azure and GCP. The customers benefit from its expert involvement in Deployment Automation (CI/CD), Infrastructure Automation, Dockerization, Security and Disaster Recovery Planning & implementation and long-term 24/7 Managed Services with 10 Minutes SLA. Urolime is one of the top companies who deal with a lot of Kubernetes solution build for its customer on AWS, Azure and GCP. Contact us today to know more about our DevOps, Docker & Kubernetes Consulting, Cloud Consulting and 24/7 Managed Service.


Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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