IAC Tools For Automation

Ever since Infrastructure-as-Code or IAC was introduced, it has been transforming the concept of setting up and managing IT infrastructures in the organisation. Before the arrival of IAC, setting up new infrastructure in an organisation usually involved hardware installations such as stacking physical servers, configure network cables, and housing hardware in a capable data centre. […]

Helm Charts Tools

Helm charts are one of the most important tools for making Kubernetes much easier to use is  It is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows developers and operators to package, configure, and deploy applications and services onto Kubernetes clusters more easily. The thing about Helm is that rather than setting up an entirely new […]

Cloud Giants Part-II

Part -I of this blog briefly explained the two giants in the cloud platform, their introduction and their different features. We also initiated a small comparison on both cloud platforms to see which one was better. Only two factors were compared in the 1st blog. The rest factors are compared here. So let’s dig without […]

Cloud Giants Part-I

Cloud computing has grown to the point where we cannot imagine a world without the application of cloud. Initially, the conception of cloud was the storage of data, but today, the cloud platform is used for a variety of purposes, more than we can imagine With the many advantages of cloud computing, various cloud service […]

Google Cloud Service Platform

When IT industries saw the rise of cloud computing, they realized that it was the future of technology, data processing and business. Although the de facto standard in popular cloud computing was introduced by Amazon AWS in 2006, it remained as the global leader, and still remains, rival cloud platforms were introduced by competitors mainly […]

Deployment Tools for Kubernetes

Kubernetes is no doubt the best platform for orchestrating containers. Well, what is this container orchestration? It is the managing of multiple containers across a cluster. We all know what containers are, they are a standardized unit of software that provides a convenient packaging of the application code, configurations, dependencies and other resources that can […]

AWS Worklink

  Amazon has been dominating the cloud computing industry for quite some time now. Even though there are popular rivals like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and Alibaba cloud, Amazon AWS still tops out in terms of Market share of nearly 33%. In order to become the top leader in the cloud computing industry, it […]

Cloud Computing in 2019

Cloud technology is continuously evolving. We cannot deny the fact that the cloud has become an important part of our lives. Its demand will always rise in the coming years. Even most companies have completely adopted cloud computing for running and managing their business. Most of the dominating technologies available today are all cloud-based solutions.

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