DevOps Consulting with Digital Transformation

Embracing DevOps For Digital Transformation

Business leaders strive to overcome challenges to move their organizations forward. Some executives are so focused on technology that they ignore disruptive changes. To focus solely on technology to improve business may risk being overwhelmed by technology. What can a business do in such a situation? Digital transformation is the solution.


According to Deloitte, 40% of consumers shopped online during the lockdown, 14% participated in remote medical appointments, and one-third streamed more content online. We have seen how consumer habits persist and adapt to change as the world transitions into a new “normal”. Over the past two years, organizations in all industries have focused on ways to meet redefined customer expectations and gain an edge over others in an increasingly competitive world. 


The digital interconnection between the multitude of technologies is the reason why we see Digital innovation moving at a fast pace. Organizations that are too far from digital transformation need to rethink adopting DevOps. It helps to build agility and speed. Moreover, DevOps breaks down time-consuming processes, automates them, and aligns your organization with common business objectives which are accomplished by a DevOps Consulting Services provider. 


In this blog, Urolime Technologies explains how to use DevOps-driven digital transformation to propel the success of your business.


Building a DevOps culture

DevOps aims to transform people, processes, and technology. It’s about leadership and culture. The creative culture of software development can conflict with IT operations. Development, testing, and deploying new software require the allocation of infrastructure and resources. Anyone who submits a ticket to an IT service can vouch that the IT process gets delayed if assignments are not allocated to the right team. 


DevOps brings a small operation and development team together during development, from concept to production. It means that developers, testers, architects, and system admins are on the same page for a common goal. You also need to work on a consistent set of cloud-native tools and processes while considering automation. 


DevOps for Digital Transformation 

At the core of digital transformation is DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering Initiative. As a result, applications must meet service level goals (SLOs) to provide the high-quality user experience that enterprises and customers expect. 


In addition, teams need to accelerate innovation. One survey claims that DevOps consulting companies anticipate a 58 percent rise in software release frequency over the next few years.


Competing with high-quality releases and achieving rapid delivery is a major challenge, and by extending DevOps to more applications, you can consistently deliver high-quality software. 


However, organizations face challenges in their efforts to achieve this goal. DevOps and SRE teams have to deal with tedious manual development time, processes, and inconsistent data insights. If the software development life cycle (SDLC) does not reap the benefits of automation, then teams are likely to spend a lot of time responding to incidents and quality assurance. This is when they are required to create high-quality work that drives innovation. The rapid adoption of DevOps scaling and cloud services have limited teams with fragmented tools and hindered their efforts to boost digital transformation.


Automation for business success


Ultimately, DevOps teams in many organizations need to choose between speed and quality of code generation, because multiple tasks take too much time. Speed ​​and quality are critical in an era of high customer expectations and fierce competition. A PwC survey claims that only after a bad encounter would one-third of all customers discontinue doing business with their preferred brands. This raises the level of DevOps and enables you to innovate more quickly while maintaining quality. 


To effectively support this, DevOps leaders need to eliminate supply chain conflicts. Teams can equip software developers with artificial intelligence (AIOps) for IT operations to enable data-driven orchestration of duplicate automated tasks. Investing in an automated CI/CD pipeline and AI Ops-based root cause analysis will result in high-quality software releases. 


In addition, organizations can use AIOps to automatically validate new releases against SLOs with quality and security gateways to ensure that code meets the minimum required criteria before reaching production. This level of automation not only eases the burden on DevOps and SRE teams but also improves code quality and security by minimizing the risk of bugs. It allows digital transformation faster and with less risk. 


The rapidly changing digital future


According to research on DevOps Services, 79% of businesses will benefit from this type of automation. AIO extensions beyond traditional use cases are well known and critical to the future success of DevOps. 


An integrated platform-based approach with end-to-end observability is the key to a successful deployment of information assets across the SDLC. These features allow you to extend DevOps from a single business unit to real enterprise culture. 


To achieve this vision, by automating more DevOps workflows and processes, organizations can innovate on a scale that truly unleashes the potential of digital transformation. You can win the competition by continually improving your customer experience to stay ahead of the ever-increasing expectations of the digital future.




Every industry vertical is being disrupted by digital transformation, and applications are what make the difference in who wins from those who fall short. Every effective application development requires an effective strategy. We look to DevOps for modern websites and mobile apps. Moreover, different Offshore DevOps Services providers render their technical support in many areas like Banking, Medical field, Software Development, eCommerce, Media, Telecom, IoT, IT Support & DevOps companies.


Knowing the elements that produce the highest return on investment from DevOps adoption is crucial. Why because it moves beyond being a nice-to-have element of digital transformation. To accomplish business goals, application intelligence is needed along with a capable cross-functional team to manage user, performance, and business data on a single platform. 

Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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