How Kubernetes multiple microservice helps in deploying a container service

How Kubernetes multiple microservice helps in deploying a container service?

Companies around the world are embracing microservice owing to its endless benefits for building and deploying an application. The microservice architecture of Kubernetes makes the continuous deployment and continuous delivery of intricate applications hassle-free. So, it has gained great importance over the years. Monolithic applications are hard to scale and maintain. The introduction of microservices along with container environments paved the way to a great shift in application deployment, as many developers could deploy applications easily. As a result,  software development companies hire  Kubernetes consulting services

Kubernetes is a microservice platform that is a hit among developers, companies as well as end-users. It provides agility, helps in innovation and satisfies the end-user. So, Kubernetes consulting services are predominant like never before. 

When you use a monolithic application, it is hard to break down its processes and scaling is not easy. On the other hand, Kubernetes not only has a microservice platform but also provides containerized environment. Employing Kubernetes also eliminates the following concerns:

  • Replication of components
  • Autoscaling
  • Service discovery
  • Authentication 
  • Load balancing
  • Rolling Updates
  • Logging across components
  • Monitoring and health checking
Kubernetes, the  dominant container orchestrator 

Kubernetes is a multiple microservice platform and a dominant container orchestrator used for deploying applications in a hybrid cloud environment. Kubernetes is the short form K8 and was developed by Google; available for everyone as it is an open-source platform. Though it is publicly available, it’s very hard to manage and learn. It is advised to use a hosted Kubernetes consulting service by your cloud service provider like AWS Elastic Kubernetes service.  

Kubernetes consulting services use this combined solution for scheduling and running applications whether on virtual machines or physical machines. Kubernetes provides all the benefits of containers as it builds on a container-centric development environment. 

Kubernetes Components

Kubernetes consist of many parts and some of them are optional, others mandatory.

  • API server
  • Master Node
  • Replication controller
  • Scheduler
  • ETDC storage
  • Controller Manager
  • Worker Node
  • Docker
  • Kubelet
  • Kube Proxy
  • Kubectl
Moving parts of Kubernetes the following:
  • Multiple containers
  • Lifecycle of containers together
  • Containers in the pod 

Apart from other open-source frameworks such as Docker swarm and Mesos, Kubernetes consulting services tend to use Kubernetes for deploying a container service considering its key features. 

Features of Kubernetes framework 
  • Out of the box service discovery
  • Namespace configuration
  • Ingress load balancer
  • Persistence volume support
  • Local deployment support
  • Portability
  • Configuration map
About us 

Urolime is one of the top providers of Kubernetes consulting services in India that delivers unmatched IT solutions to diverse industries. Apart from Kubernetes consulting services, we also have got vast knowledge and experience in all major AWS services such as Automation, AIOps, DevOps, Cloud migration and services, Storage & Content Delivery, Database, Operational maturity, Networking, Enterprise Applications, Mobile Services, IoT, Developer and Management Tools, Security and Application Services other than DevOps consulting service. Urolime is one of the top providers of Kubernetes consulting services in India and the technical competence is what makes us different from other providers.

Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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