12 DevOps Tools You Must Know

Identifying an ideal tool can be a tricky task if you’re new to the integration of development and operations. Understanding the best tool that is apt for your organizational procedures is the biggest challenge here. Finding the best DevOps tools takes some testing and experimentation and hence more time. We did some research, collected feedback […]

5 Mistakes To Avoid While Implementing DevOps

Have you embarked on the journey of chasing DevOps Transformation? DevOps is increasingly recognized as a strong pillar of digital transformation and the staggering increase in the number of organizations adopting DevOps reaffirms the same. The countless benefits associated with the platform have catalyzed it into a movement that is rapidly spreading throughout the tech […]

Improving DevOps with Bots

DevOps has emerged to be the mainstream focus in redefining the world of software and infrastructure engineering and operations over the last few years. DevOps is all about developing a culture of CAMS: a culture of automation, measurement, and sharing. The staggering popularity of the platform is attributed to the numerous benefits it brings in […]

Selenium Automation Testing

Automation testing is becoming popular in the software development lifecycle because of the advantages it offers. There are different tools available when it comes to testing the software application, but the first automation tool that comes to the mind of testers is Selenium. Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. The features what […]

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