Machine learning and cloud

The cloud technology is continuously updating with newer technologies, better security measures, storage options and much more. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that have led to further enhancements in the cloud computing industries. One such enhancement is the Machine learning, which allows a system to “learn” from a given set of data models […]

Alibaba Cloud

When it comes to selecting a cloud computing platform for an organisation, the wise choice must be made. The leading cloud service providers are AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. The irony of these companies is that all of them are American multinational organisations. Another popular cloud computing platform is Alibaba Cloud. Alibaba Cloud, […]

The AWS Domination

Cloud computing is now a common term in technology. Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services over the internet. These services include storing, processing of data, monitoring, execution of applications and more. Almost all of the companies in the world are embracing the cloud to stay ahead in this digital era. The leading […]

History Of DevOps Part 1

The reality The success of DevOps across a variety of industries has shown us that DevOps is more of a work culture than it is a workflow. DevOps have contributed to the success and competency of many companies development lifecycle and process. DevOps brought forth quick deployments, rapid integration cycles and a steady stream of […]

Kubernetes In Detail – Part 1

Introductions Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers, spearheaded by Google in development . Kubernetes is a production-ready orchestration solution. It allows DevOps engineers to manage and control containerized applications in almost any environment. When compared with the competition out there, Kubernetes overhauls many DevOps associated tasks such as configuration, versioning, deployment, […]

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