Urolime Blog 37

Hurdles During adopting DevOps And How To Overcome Them

From multiple surveys, one thing has become crystal clear, that adopting DevOps is easier said than done. In 2020 the number of respondents who said that implementing DevOps was “messy” (their word) was over 50%. This mainly due to the fact that DevOps is a workflow which brings together teams who are not really known to be working with each other such close proximity. So let’s take as a starting point to see in considerable details the hurdles our DevOps engineers faced in their careers. 

Clash Of Goals

As mentioned above, the goal of an operations team is to have an organization which is running smoothly, daily and weekly goals are reached and the standards of output from the employees are up to the mark. Other than the development, they also oversee marketing activities, sales activities and more. On the flip side, there is the development team, their goals much smaller on a daily and weekly basis in some sense, they are looking into features and functionalities in a long term fashion. So there is a clash of gaols, to begin with, the best way to overcome this issue is with collective goals instead by changing how goals are quantified, developers and operations can come together to map out goals which are doable, in the best interest of the end-user, goals which cater to continuous development, continuous integration and continuous testing and so on.

Trial and Error

As soon as the word experiment comes in, everyone at the operations team starts sweating bullets. Most organzations have an approach to experimentations, most of the experiments happen in the 80 (as in Pareto principle) of the company. To overcome this hurdle, the best was is to implement new technologies and new workflows in just one project. Tweak the team and technologies to get the best outcome, this will or might take time, but the payoff, in the end, is worth the risk in every sense of the word.     

Lack of Knowledge

Might be the easiest obstacle to overcome, new technologies and new tools have to be used without any compromises, instead of finding shortcuts or alternatives it is better to learn them. This might seem like a chore but this is a long term investment with a lot of potential for the employee as well as the organization.     

Cultural and Workflow Differences

This might seem like an extension from the first point but bear with me, so you have a DevOps team now and things are not looking good, but why? You may ask. The reason lies in the complexities of development and operations teams. No one from either team cares about the difficulty in the transition of the other teams. Here the non-alignment of the goals is not the issue, goals have a timeline to reach, here the nitty-gritty of the daily on-goings has to be hashed out. There is no other way to solve other than constant communication, be it face to face or digitally. There is no tool or technology to solve this hurdle, sorry but there are DevOps engineers from Urolime who can help you with that. 

Urolime Technologies has made groundbreaking accomplishments in the field of Google Cloud & Kubernetes Consulting, DevOps Services, 24/7 Managed Services & Support, Dedicated IT Team, Managed AWS Consulting and Azure Cloud Consulting. We believe our customers are Smart to choose their IT Partner, and we “Do IT Smart”.
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